Identified reference number
36292 STA 020911023R
Starter motor
020911023RX, 20911023R
Voltage: 12, kW: 1.8, Rotation: <---, Tensor pos.: <---40, Drive pos.: <--->360
Cross list available with NEO code:         121 OEM     345 IAM
22227865 729 STA AMK ST2173
6729660 6 STA BOSCH 0 986 015 977
485360 609 STA DRI 311.063.092
7927120 165 STA HELLA 8EA011-610-531
537905 25 STA LETRIKA (ISKRA) IS 1043
823362 557 STA PIC 108-297
20200428 1650 STA TESLA TECHNICS TT15551 PRO
10423694 52 STA VALEO 726834
7746193 1046 STA WAI 17030N
11540472 1046 STA WAI 17725R
... ...

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