Identified reference number
3261121 STA 02A911203
Starter motor
Voltage: 12, kW: 1.4, Rotation: <---, Drive pos.: <--->360
Cross list available with NEO code:         63 OEM     311 IAM
7041680 549 STA AINDE CGB-61359
14969116 1025 STA ALANKO 440754
301743 154 STA CARGO (HC) 112131
3621502 785 STA FARCOM 103328
14497460 1069 STA LAUBER 22.0601
332187 25 STA LETRIKA (ISKRA) 11 130 845
20451854 1652 STA STARDAX (LAUBER) STX200215R
... ...

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