Identified reference number
5848718 STA 02T911023S
Starter motor
02T911023SX, 2T911023S, 2T911023SX
Voltage: 12, kW: 1.0, Rotation: <---, Tensor pos.: <---40, Drive pos.: <--->360
Cross list available with NEO code:         169 OEM     418 IAM
21407377 1077 STA ARTEC 48213047
19141486 732 STA ATL (AUTOTECHNIK) 20290
690036 106 STA HC-PARTS / HELLA CS1330
1691887 29 STA LUCAS LRS01675
19122957 44 STA PRESTOLITE M1203E
8644578 953 STA RNL RNL2029
10785455 581 STA SOVEREIGN SS165
15924937 199 STA UNIPOINT F 042 S0H 080
2917567 52 STA VALEO 191429
10426855 52 STA VALEO 838055
... ...

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