Identified reference number
36941 STA 049911023H
Starter motor
Voltage: 12, kW: 0.8, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: --->118, Drive pos.: <--->360
Cross list available with NEO code:         124 OEM     453 IAM
1359 6 STA BOSCH 0 001 211 247
1327958 145 STA ELG 23-0188
14497384 1069 STA LAUBER 22.0297
10368016 30 STA MAGNETI MARELLI 9432 02971010
19920 30 STA MAGNETI MARELLI 9432 51619010
19893 30 STA MAGNETI MARELLI 9432 51686010
11630591 1064 STA MAHLE MS 57
16072470 1099 STA START-GENERATOR 570 014
32415 52 STA VALEO 433264
... ...

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