Identified reference number
3888106 STA 057911023A
Starter motor
Voltage: 12, kW: 2.3, Rotation: <---
Cross list available with NEO code:         10 OEM     46 IAM
19143684 732 STA ATL (AUTOTECHNIK) 78900
5569049 702 STA DA SILVA 020465
5755200 609 STA DRI 311.214.092
21903503 156 STA EDR EF12140
5774895 1004 STA EUROTEC 11090111
17462331 1008 STA LOGISTIK 332292
1748003 29 STA LUCAS LRS01681
7208329 557 STA PIC 120-615
17245258 1038 STA POWERMAX 88214495
17441919 1099 STA START-GENERATOR 520 792
... ...

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