Identified reference number
1227042 STA 059911023E
Starter motor
Voltage: 12, kW: 1.1, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: <---25, Drive pos.: <---90
Cross list available with NEO code:         82 OEM     299 IAM
11187183 148 STA AES 12.130.042
14967002 1025 STA ALANKO 440293
16215020 732 STA ATL (AUTOTECHNIK) A 10 780
21767072 1067 STA AUTOELECTRO AES3150
6729391 6 STA BOSCH 0 986 010 807
16506052 1069 STA LAUBER 22.0132
16210845 1075 STA QX COMPONENTS QS0451
407356 205 STA WILSON 91-15-6878
... ...

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