Identified reference number
37197 STA 068911023C
Starter motor
068911023CX, 68911023C
Voltage: 12, kW: 1.7, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: --->113, Connection: C013
Cross list available with NEO code:         52 OEM     306 IAM
19143112 732 STA ATL (AUTOTECHNIK) 10910
1496965 935 STA CUSTOM AG 185-1
1145538 156 STA EDR 910910
16194624 1035 STA EUROPARTS STAR-1707
20772424 1695 STA POLSTARTER R185
16223392 634 STA SIOM MAV122420
6163868 581 STA SOVEREIGN SS261
9085704 1046 STA WAI 16623R
... ...

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