Identified reference number
1776497 STA 077911023C
Starter motor
077911023CX, 77911023C
Voltage: 12, kW: 1.8, Rotation: --->, Connection: C014
Cross list available with NEO code:         15 OEM     167 IAM
10644387 1048 STA AD KÜHNER 254890
16206358 1094 STA CARGEN CGS120117
1423488 155 STA DIXIE S-6149
16507095 1069 STA LAUBER 22.0985
3696625 956 STA LUCAS ELEKTRIK LES0239
16293109 1159 STA MONEA IR8243
8958154 646 STA NIERMANN 01110029
368202 557 STA PIC 120-198
12045115 761 STA SNRA AU9006
34640 52 STA VALEO D7G6
... ...

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