Identified reference number
17180421 STA SE21908000A
Starter motor
Voltage: 12, kW: 0.8, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: <---30, Drive pos.: --->135
Cross list available with NEO code:         26 OEM     245 IAM
7039615 549 STA AINDE CGB-51015
21407505 1077 STA ARTEC 48213218
19141957 732 STA ATL (AUTOTECHNIK) 13740
16214973 732 STA ATL (AUTOTECHNIK) A 13 740
19217 30 STA MAGNETI MARELLI 632 21892010
11629038 1064 STA MAHLE MS 382
6041098 557 STA PIC 120-5088A
... ...

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