Identified reference number
4284257 STA E2HT11001CA
Starter motor
Cross list available with NEO code:         331 OEM     1139 IAM
6140040 150 STA AMSCO DS-959
7751734 1269 STA AUTEC (OLD) AUTSDE2003
470746 829 STA DELCO REMY 10479323
1431683 155 STA DIXIE 201-50202
470859 155 STA DIXIE TS-1061
17772966 44 STA PRESTOLITE M125701
16231346 44 STA PRESTOLITE M128R3838SE
17773029 44 STA PRESTOLITE M128R3841SE
19410896 12 STA REMY EUROPE 10479323
... ...

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