Identified reference number
15823646 STA GJ3211001BD
Starter motor
Voltage: 12, kW: 1.9, Rotation: --->
Cross list available with NEO code:         4 OEM     83 IAM
17335408 549 STA AINDE CGB-55241
16189015 1025 STA ALANKO 438201
19418310 951 STA AS-PL S6490S
12143087 999 STA CASCO CST40423
6075734 699 STA CEVAM 3697
17557284 1004 STA EUROTEC 11090506
15779684 482 STA PSH 450.552.132
16225366 1033 STA SANDO 6040423
17220412 1206 STA TMI (BORG) ST02196
16158413 1046 STA WAI 30668-OS
... ...

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