Identified reference number
5497018 STA S114-516
Starter motor
Voltage: 12, kW: 1.4, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: --->135, Connection: C183, Internal Construct: PMGR
Cross list available with NEO code:         15 OEM     176 IAM
687725 934 STA 3 EFFE GROUP STR0108
4684911 999 STA CASCO CST20174
745315 609 STA DRI 327.162.092
16291815 1159 STA MONEA IR8737
17647905 1159 STA MONEA IR8737P
3334059 646 STA NIERMANN 014528
17241020 1038 STA POWERMAX 88212371
9039669 482 STA PSH 160.585.092
4510019 761 STA SNRA NI9053
... ...

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