Identified reference number
1156019 STA S114-525
Starter motor
Voltage: 12, kW: 1.2, Rotation: --->, Internal Construct: PMGR
Cross list available with NEO code:         36 OEM     243 IAM
3881508 797 STA ADI DEM60937
7040064 549 STA AINDE CGB-51493
7756741 1269 STA AUTEC (OLD) AUTSMI1044
1490819 155 STA DIXIE S-8247
763541 609 STA DRI 327.071.082
4475704 656 STA SEEAC 4698D
408242 205 STA WILSON 91-25-1053
408724 205 STA WILSON 91-27-3140
... ...

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