Identified reference number
11877259 STA 16824-63013
Starter motor
Voltage: 12, kW: 1.4, Rotation: --->
Cross list available with NEO code:         6 OEM     116 IAM
17791801 549 STA AINDE CGB-55282
11103545 484 STA ATK AKS-993
16300140 155 STA DIXIE 243-10128
19107614 145 STA ELG 023-1223
11870426 785 STA FARCOM 107009
17247401 1038 STA POWERMAX 88214994
12117497 482 STA PSH 690.547.082
16028040 840 STA QSR-QUASAR SMI1118
16230314 205 STA WILSON 71-27-19107
16230239 205 STA WILSON 91-27-3573
... ...

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