Identified reference number
6087182 ALT 542 08288010
542 08288010
0542 08288, 542 08288
Voltage: 12, Amperes: 65, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: --->60, Pulley: P, Fan: EF, Pulley-type: P, Pulley-channels: 1
Cross list available with NEO code:         12 OEM     67 IAM
530866 699 ALT CEVAM 4905
1412582 25 ALT LETRIKA (ISKRA) 11 201 876
240793 25 ALT LETRIKA (ISKRA) IA 0876
16291556 1159 ALT MONEA IR7792
16319791 1140 ALT PROTECH IR7792
16471468 482 ALT PSH 545.007.065
... ...

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