Identified reference number
78727 ALT 2541355
Voltage: 12, Amperes: 50, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: --->20, Pulley: PV6, Fan: IF, Pulley-type: PV, Pulley-channels: 6
Cross list available with NEO code:         24 OEM     215 IAM
4809161 797 ALT ADI VLN90636
307265 154 ALT CARGO (HC) 112793
740640 609 ALT DRI 216.112.502
12209924 160 ALT GHIBAUDI MARIO AG0542
90137 52 ALT VALEO 436344
6108536 52 ALT VALEO A11VI15 [A11VI015...]
6108538 52 ALT VALEO A11VI16 [A11VI016...]
... ...

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