Identified reference number
277549 ALT 2541488
Voltage: 12, Amperes: 80, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: <---60, Pulley: PV5, Fixing: K3, Pulley-type: PV, Pulley-channels: 5
Cross list available with NEO code:         10 OEM     138 IAM
11280343 1048 ALT AD KÜHNER 553071RI [553071RIR...]
7038609 549 ALT AINDE CGB-85512
14972209 1025 ALT ALANKO 444141 [10444141,11444...]
3616798 142 ALT EAI-SOREA 56120
3783806 606 ALT ELSTOCK 28-5512
17241153 1038 ALT POWERMAX 89215187
4526096 761 ALT SNRA TP8041
16540874 1206 ALT TMI (BORG) AL02571
... ...

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