Identified reference number
621764 ALT 2541968A
Voltage: 12, Amperes: 90, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: <--->0, Pulley: PVF5, Fan: IF, Pulley-type: PVF, Pulley-channels: 5
Cross list available with NEO code:         44 OEM     341 IAM
16202114 1148 ALT ALT&START (MRS) AL90009Y [AL90009Y-INA...]
3999443 702 ALT DA SILVA 011501 [11501,A011501...]
765050 609 ALT DRI 225.130.902
19104490 145 ALT ELG 024-0316
2281979 606 ALT ELSTOCK 28-3704
862767 106 ALT HC-PARTS / HELLA CA1390IR
16290514 1159 ALT MONEA IR6549 [IR6549P,IR6549...]
16198261 188 ALT REAL 201 79 151 [201 79 151...]
4522820 761 ALT SNRA ME8020
11001616 1046 ALT WAI 22851N
... ...

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