Identified reference number
11828731 ALT 2541990A
Voltage: 12, Amperes: 110, Tensor pos.: <---27, Pulley: PV6, Pulley-type: PV, Pulley-channels: 6
Cross list available with NEO code:         11 OEM     197 IAM
5563617 702 ALT DA SILVA 010526 [A010526]
3617750 142 ALT EAI-SOREA 56673
1736603 29 ALT LUCAS LRA02103 [LRA2103...]
17247670 1038 ALT POWERMAX 89215180
1385598 482 ALT PSH 575.585.110 [575.585.1...]
4525695 761 ALT SNRA TR8106
... ...

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