Identified reference number
621979 ALT 2542291A
Voltage: 12, Amperes: 90, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: <--->0, Pulley: PV5, Fan: IF, Pulley-type: PV, Pulley-channels: 5
Cross list available with NEO code:         53 OEM     307 IAM
16201617 1148 ALT ALT&START (MRS) AL90031Y
5446978 951 ALT AS-PL A3058 [A3058PR,A3058R...]
349962 154 ALT CARGO (HC) 111967
764996 609 ALT DRI 225.129.902
3617762 142 ALT EAI-SOREA 56679
14756020 1069 ALT LAUBER 11.1342
17379170 1203 ALT RE-EX 501-01996
12939076 12 ALT REMY EUROPE RAA14880 [RA14880,WA14...]
16213913 634 ALT SIOM ALT4745
16535667 1206 ALT TMI (BORG) AL01996
... ...

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