Identified reference number
622026 ALT 2542324A
Voltage: 12, Amperes: 120, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: <---60, Pulley: PV6, Fan: IF, Pulley-type: PV, Pulley-channels: 6
Cross list available with NEO code:         167 OEM     501 IAM
3999041 702 ALT DA SILVA 010488 [10488,A010488,...]
4412146 142 ALT EAI-SOREA 56921
19103668 145 ALT ELG 024-1530
5769275 1004 ALT EUROTEC 12044330
6594750 1008 ALT LOGISTIK 441735
1689005 29 ALT LUCAS LRA01987 [LRA1987...]
11143578 1038 ALT POWERMAX 89212529
11819733 1038 ALT POWERMAX 89212902
8426428 1033 ALT SANDO 2015276 [2015276.0,201...]
10888759 199 ALT UNIPOINT ALT-2311
... ...

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