Identified reference number
711823 ALT 2542587B
Voltage: 12, Amperes: 140, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: <---60, Pulley: PV6, Fan: IF, Pulley-type: PV, Pulley-channels: 6
Cross list available with NEO code:         67 OEM     390 IAM
5750643 797 ALT ADI VLN901746
5665007 951 ALT AS-PL A0160 [A0160PR,A0160R...]
10558501 951 ALT AS-PL A0303 [A0303PR]
1049414 156 ALT EDR 934156 [934156X]
4592784 785 ALT FARCOM 111412
15499935 12 ALT REMY EUROPE RAA15267 [RA15267,WA15...]
8641966 953 ALT RNL RNLSG14B012
12055600 761 ALT SNRA VW8118
10920120 199 ALT UNIPOINT ALT-2089B
15925086 199 ALT UNIPOINT F 042 A01 182
... ...

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