Identified reference number
1740477 ALT 2939470
Voltage: 24, Amperes: 45, Tensor pos.: <--->0, Pulley: P, Pulley-type: P, Pulley-channels: 1
Cross list available with NEO code:         5 OEM     98 IAM
14978589 1025 ALT ALANKO 442214 [10442214,11442...]
5755950 609 ALT DRI 500.158.454
1740453 29 ALT LUCAS LRA02464 [LRA2464...]
16291670 1159 ALT MONEA IR6666
17379599 1203 ALT RE-EX 501-03953
4524426 761 ALT SNRA PL8207
16532285 1206 ALT TMI (BORG) AL03953
... ...

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