Identified reference number
272111 ALT 2940363
Voltage: 12, Amperes: 65, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: --->15, Pulley: P, Fan: EF, Pulley-type: P, Pulley-channels: 1
Cross list available with NEO code:         94 OEM     161 IAM
14951497 1025 ALT ALANKO 441676 [10441676,11441...]
3999699 702 ALT DA SILVA 016299 [A016299]
19106857 145 ALT ELG 024-0056
4455240 657 ALT NEOTO A495
20773321 1695 ALT POLSTARTER A354
1387120 482 ALT PSH 305.026.055 [305.026.0...]
79863 52 ALT VALEO 433046
... ...

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