Identified reference number
273224 ALT A13VI218
Voltage: 12, Amperes: 110, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: <---26, Pulley: PV6, Fan: IF, Weight [kg]: 5,84
Cross list available with NEO code:         11 OEM     206 IAM
14970922 1025 ALT ALANKO 443465 [10443465,11443...]
19143616 732 ALT ATL (AUTOTECHNIK) 68660
12211510 160 ALT GHIBAUDI MARIO AG0580
1736603 29 ALT LUCAS LRA02103 [LRA2103...]
16292063 1159 ALT MONEA IR7216
16317321 1140 ALT PROTECH IR7216
8643332 953 ALT RNL RNLA13VI218
16073543 1099 ALT START-GENERATOR 300 170
16534062 1206 ALT TMI (BORG) AL02168
103289 52 ALT VALEO 437142
... ...

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