Identified reference number
167565 ALT E3NN10B376AD
Voltage: 12, Amperes: 45, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: 05:00, Pulley: P, Fan: EF, Pulley-type: P, Pulley-channels: 1
Cross list available with NEO code:         29 OEM     169 IAM
16081452 1048 ALT AD KÜHNER 554990RI
1412509 155 ALT DIXIE A-461
1327055 145 ALT ELG 24-1133
4597915 785 ALT FARCOM 119474
123694 557 ALT PIC 280-307A
17247008 1038 ALT POWERMAX 89213372
12972390 1046 ALT WAI 12089N
16108962 1046 ALT WAI 12089R
... ...

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