Identified reference number
24388 STA 028000-4023
Starter motor
Type2: IGR, Voltage: 12, kW: 1.0, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: --->104, Drive pos.: <--->360
Cross list available with NEO code:         41 OEM     419 IAM
7758534 978 STA AUTEC AUTSNI1032ES
4685645 999 STA CASCO CST40170
20772799 1695 STA POLSTARTER RJ669
8437090 1033 STA SANDO 6040140
10696792 199 STA UNIPOINT F 042 S00 131
2894208 199 STA UNIPOINT STR-8006
33622 52 STA VALEO 458599
11536369 1046 STA WAI 16831R
... ...

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