Identified reference number
1179541 STA 028000-9340
Starter motor
Type2: IGR, Voltage: 12, kW: 1.4, Rotation: --->, Connection: C062
Cross list available with NEO code:         12 OEM     231 IAM
14960765 1025 STA ALANKO 440054
10673474 6 STA BOSCH 0 986 UR1 174
1416768 155 STA DIXIE S-8136
19104786 145 STA ELG 023-0782
4452938 657 STA NEOTO D299
3681761 482 STA PSH 190.567.092
4519762 761 STA SNRA DH9011
409183 205 STA WILSON 91-29-5048
... ...

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