Identified reference number
484388 STA 028000-9730
Starter motor
Type2: IGR, Voltage: 12, kW: 1.4, Rotation: --->, Connection: C062, Drive pos.: <--->360
Cross list available with NEO code:         10 OEM     129 IAM
10673471 6 STA BOSCH 0 986 UR1 173
5772993 1004 STA EUROTEC 11040226
492654 522 STA LESTER 16802
16318329 1140 STA PROTECH IR8626
19118268 188 STA REAL 20432961XX
639701 12 STA REMY EUROPE DRS3571
17219768 1206 STA TMI (BORG) ST00307
... ...

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