Identified reference number
3891301 STA 128000-046_
Starter motor
Voltage: 12, kW: 0.9, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: --->35, Drive pos.: --->135
Cross list available with NEO code:         60 OEM     653 IAM
2088319 951 STA AS-PL S5002
16307391 1067 STA AUTOELECTRO AES5115
16209726 1094 STA CARGEN CGS130235
16137517 1096 STA DEER OEM1280000462
19108886 145 STA ELG 023-1141
4605215 785 STA FARCOM 103152
16184005 1038 STA POWERMAX 88213038
480966 44 STA PRESTOLITE 66925210
16221623 634 STA SIOM MAV6050
4517826 761 STA SNRA HY9002
... ...

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