Identified reference number
24930 STA 128000-1220
Starter motor
Type2: IGR, Voltage: 12, kW: 1.0, Rotation: <---, Tensor pos.: --->112
Cross list available with NEO code:         22 OEM     290 IAM
10673215 6 STA BOSCH 0 986 UR1 102
16207921 1094 STA CARGEN CGS130219
5571143 702 STA DA SILVA 040484
745652 609 STA DRI 333.004.092
691710 106 STA HC-PARTS / HELLA JS373
3324914 646 STA NIERMANN 011230
371267 557 STA PIC 190-274A
639151 12 STA REMY EUROPE DRS2901
... ...

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