Identified reference number
359736 STA 228000-0270
Starter motor
Voltage: 24, kW: 4.0, Rotation: --->, Internal Construct: GR
Cross list available with NEO code:         18 OEM     207 IAM
699640 549 STA AINDE CGB-23185
14957080 1025 STA ALANKO 440516
4685779 999 STA CASCO CST40607
15469696 1096 STA DEER OEMDRS3185
1146582 156 STA EDR 913185
16291762 1159 STA MONEA IR9476
16318597 1140 STA PROTECH IR9476
639384 12 STA REMY EUROPE DRS3185
16221863 634 STA SIOM MAV426070
1713372 199 STA UNIPOINT STR-6172
... ...

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