Identified reference number
34634 STA D7E71
Starter motor
Voltage: 12, kW: 0.7, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: --->55, Drive pos.: <---135
Cross list available with NEO code:         36 OEM     278 IAM
11188628 148 STA AES 14.130.021
11189125 148 STA AES 14.130.189
16202025 1148 STA ALT&START (MRS) ST75005N
4684557 999 STA CASCO CST15145
556377 699 STA CEVAM 3611
1329714 145 STA ELG 23-0578
5772306 1004 STA EUROTEC 11017930
479509 44 STA PRESTOLITE 20500737
16374970 580 STA QUINTON HAZELL QRS2045
17219850 1206 STA TMI (BORG) ST01107
... ...

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