Identified reference number
10204357 ALT 059903019
059903019X, 59903019
Voltage: 12, Amperes: 220, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: --->90, Pulley: PVF6, Fan: IF, Pulley-type: PVF, Pulley-channels: 6
Cross list available with NEO code:         41 OEM     153 IAM
11281843 1048 ALT AD KÜHNER 553480RI
14965697 1025 ALT ALANKO 444017
10434271 156 ALT EDR 931077
16089732 522 ALT LESTER 20648
18248157 1159 ALT MONEA IR5498
12109880 482 ALT PSH 205.553.150
12109963 482 ALT PSH 205.560.150
12110032 482 ALT PSH 205.567.180
16198811 188 ALT REAL 201 79 834
6578254 52 ALT VALEO 440346
... ...

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