Identified reference number
30515 STA 1335929
Starter motor
Voltage: 24, kW: 6.7, Rotation: --->, Tensor pos.: --->70, Drive pos.: <---135
Cross list available with NEO code:         24 OEM     295 IAM
22207182 1079 STA BTS TURBO S510901
4684195 999 STA CASCO CST10606
19072671 1069 STA LAUBER PTC4043
4027270 25 STA LETRIKA (ISKRA) IS 9146
8645958 953 STA RNL RNLD13HP601
20336001 1652 STA STARDAX (LAUBER) STX210040
1713129 199 STA UNIPOINT STR-2351
1249022 52 STA VALEO 438010
105906 52 STA VALEO 455733
20372985 52 STA VALEO FS60PR601
... ...

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