Identified reference number
3887741 STA 059911024E
Starter motor
059911024EX, 59911024EX
Voltage: 12, kW: 2.2, Rotation: --->
Cross list available with NEO code:         43 OEM     205 IAM
10571202 951 STA AS-PL S0270
2240766 6 STA BOSCH 0 001 125 521
2947235 6 STA BOSCH 0 001 125 609
13920556 145 STA ELG 23-1879
11201520 785 STA FARCOM 106949
10082184 1038 STA POWERMAX 8213966
16319367 1140 STA PROTECH IR8593
17379183 1203 STA RE-EX 502-01795
8644678 953 STA RNL RNL2405
16077475 1099 STA START-GENERATOR 560 472
... ...

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