Identified reference number
1412038 STA 121370-77010
Starter motor
Voltage: 12, kW: 1.8, Rotation: --->, Drive pos.: --->90
Cross list available with NEO code:         20 OEM     144 IAM
7039732 549 STA AINDE CGB-51112
14976184 1025 STA ALANKO 439686
7753532 1269 STA AUTEC (OLD) AUTSHI1073
22207151 1079 STA BTS TURBO S510863
4610861 785 STA FARCOM 106702
1765875 646 STA NIERMANN 011277
7753092 1046 STA WAI 18051N
408370 205 STA WILSON 91-25-1123
... ...

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